When the behavior of a many-body system can not be described in terms of single-particle properties, new physical phenomena can emerge. The most striking example is the Mott insulator, where the particles are localized because of the strong correlations. The Mott phenomenon is believed to be the driving force behind the phase diagram of high-temperature superconductors and many other materials.
Our activity ranges from the development of methods (Quantum Monte Carlo, Dynamical Mean-Field, Theory, Gutzwiller) to the investigation of a variety of systems spanning the most active research lines of modern solid state, from high-temperature superconductors to nanoscale devices including many other materials, heterostructures and model systems. An important part of our research is devoted to the non-equilibrium properties of these systems.
Examples of the active research lines are:
- Non-equilibrium dynamics of correlated systems
A. Silva, M. Fabrizio, G. Santoro, M. Capone - Simulation of strongly correlated systems by Quantum Monte-Carlo methods
- High-temperature superconductivity and strong correlations
M. Capone, M. Fabrizio, E. Tosatti - Mott Physics and topology from solids to heterostructures
M. Capone, M. Fabrizio, G. Santoro, E. Tosatti - Friction and dissipation at nano and mesoscale
E. Tosatti, G. Santoro