Giacomo Tenti |
2025 |
- Sandro Sorella
- Stefano Baroni
High-pressure hydrogen phase diagram from quantum Monte Carlo and machine learning |
Matteo Ferraretto |
2024 |
- Massimo Capone
- Andrea Richaud
Novel quantum states in multicomponent fermionic systems |
Francesca Paoletti |
2024 |
- Massimo Capone
- Adriano Amaricci
Static and Dynamical Correlations in Topological Transitions |
Pietro Torta |
2024 |
Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm and Variational Quantum Computing: from binary neural networks to ground state preparation |
Gabriele Bellomia |
2024 |
- Massimo Capone
- Adriano Amaricci
Quantum information insights into strongly correlated electrons |
Mikheil Tsitsishvili |
2024 |
- Marcello Dalmonte
- Michele Fabrizio
Many-body systems in and out of equilibrium |
Nishan Ranabhat |
2024 |
Dynamics of full counting statistics, thermalization, and deconfinement transition in long range Ising model |
Alessandro Santini |
2024 |
- Mario Collura
- Giuseppe Santoro
Advanced Perspectives in Non-Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics |
Georgi Hristov Spasov |
2024 |
- Andrea Vanossi
- Giuseppe Santoro
- Andrea Benassi
- Riccardo Rossi
CFD-DEM Simulation of the Deposition of Pharmaceutical Aerosols in Human Airways |
Daniele Nello |
2024 |
On Thermodynamics of Driven Quantum Systems: Novel Results and Perspectives |
Cesare Malosso |
2024 |
Dielectric and dynamical properties of supercooled water |
Xuejun Gong |
2024 |
Ab initio thermoelasticity of crystals at extremes |
Enrico Drigo |
2024 |
Thermoelectric effects in polar liquids and ionic conductors |
Alfredo Fiorentino |
2024 |
Advances in lattice thermal transport in crystals and glasses |
Paolo Pegolo |
2023 |
Charge and heat transport in ionic conductors |
Mandana Safari |
2023 |
- Stefano Baroni
- Stefano de Gironcoli
Growth and redox of borophene on Al(111) substrate |
Matej Badin |
2023 |
- Giuseppe Santoro
- Roman Martoňák
Towards Realistic Simulations of Structural Transformations in Solids by Metadynamics |
Ali Khosravi |
2023 |
- Erio Tosatti
- Giuseppe Santoro
- Andrea Vanossi
Friction, tribology and rheology at the atomic scale: from metal nanocontacts to 2D materials and graphene |
Andrea Blason |
2023 |
Electronic correlations in topological materials |
Philip Christopher Cruz |
2023 |
Quantum Fisher information in non-interacting systems after a sudden quench |
Neven Golenic |
2023 |
Nanophotonics of Thin-film Materials: a Many-body Approach |
Guglielmo Lami |
2023 |
Pushing the boundaries of Matrix Product States in quantum many-body physics and computing |
Adu Offei-Danso |
2022 |
- Giuseppe Santoro
- Ali Hassanali
- Alex Rodriguez
Unsupervised Learning of the Structure and Dynamics of Liquid Water |
Davide Tisi |
2022 |
Green-Kubo simulation of transport properties: from ab initio to neural-network molecular dynamics |
Martino Stefanini |
2022 |
- Alessandro Silva
- Massimo Capone
Studies on impurities moving in Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquids |
Alberto Scazzola |
2022 |
Interplay between electron-phonon interaction and electron-electron repulsion in multiorbital Hubbard models |
Fabio Caleffi |
2022 |
- Massimo Capone
- Alessio Recati
- Iacopo Carusotto
Collective Modes and Strong Correlations from a Quantum Gutzwiller Ansatz |
Riccardo Bertossa |
2022 |
Theory, codes, and numerical simulation of heat transport in multicomponent systems |
Vittorio Vitale |
2022 |
- Marcello Dalmonte
- Giuseppe Santoro
Probing and detecting entanglement in synthetic quantum matter |
Lorenzo Fant |
2022 |
- Giuseppe Santoro
- Jacopo Grilli
Stochastic ecology and evolution in bacterial communities |
Lucas Kohn |
2021 |
Simulating non-equilibrium dynamics and finite temperature physics: efficient representations for matrix product states |
Claudia Artiaco |
2021 |
- Michele Fabrizio
- Antonello Scardicchio
Quantum effects in glasses at ultra-low temperatures |
Matteo Seclì |
2021 |
- Massimo Capone
- Iacopo Carusotto
- Marco Schiró
Topology and Nonlinearity in Driven-Dissipative Photonic Lattices: Semiclassical and Quantum Approaches |
Cristiano Malica |
2021 |
From ab-initio thermodynamics to quasi-harmonic thermoelastic properties of crystals: A new workflow and selected applications |
Federica Surace |
2021 |
- Marcello Dalmonte
- Alessandro Silva
Lattice gauge theories and constrained systems: from quantum simulation to non-equilibrium dynamics |
Matteo Wauters |
2020 |
Adiabatic approaches to non-equilibrium systems: Topology, Optimization, and Learning |
Andrea Urru |
2020 |
Lattice dynamics with Fully Relativistic Pseudopotentials for magnetic systems, with selected applications |
Yusuf Shaidu |
2020 |
Interatomic Potential for Li-C Systems from Cluster Expansion to Artificial Neural Network Techniques |
Giulia Piccitto |
2020 |
Cluster mean-field dynamics of the long-range interacting Ising chain |
Silvia Pappalardi |
2020 |
- Rosario Fazio
- Alessandro Silva
Entanglement dynamics and chaos in long-range quantum systems |
Jacopo Marcheselli |
2020 |
- Stefano Baroni
- Marco Garavelli
- Stefano Corni
Simulating Plasmon Enhancement of Optical Properties in Hybrid Metal-Organic Nanoparticles |
Claudio Genovese |
2020 |
Geminal Power in QMC |
Matteo Ferri |
2020 |
- Simone Piccinin
- Stefano Fabris
- Stefano de Gironcoli
Ab-initio Characterization of a Novel Photocathode for Water Splitting: Bulk and Surface Properties of CuFeO2 |
Lorenzo Crippa |
2020 |
- Massimo Capone
- Adriano Amaricci
Local and non-local correlations in Topological Insulators and Weyl Semimetals |
Karla Baumann |
2020 |
Mott transition, topology, and magnetism of interacting fermions in confined geometries |
Mattia Angeli |
2020 |
Emergent phenomena in twisted Van der Waals materials |
Martina Teruzzi |
2019 |
- Giuseppe Santoro
- Erio Tosatti
- Alessandro Laio
Markov State Modeling of 2D Nanofriction |
Muhammad Nawaz Qaisrani |
2019 |
- Stefano Baroni
- Ali A Hassanali
- Ralph Gebauer
A Multi-scale Approach to Studying the Complexity in Glutamine Aggregates: Structure, Dynamics and Electronic Properties |
Glen Bigan Mbeng |
2019 |
Quantum annealing and digital quantum ground state preparation algorithms |
Deepak Bahadur Karki |
2019 |
- Michele Fabrizio
- Mikhail Kiselev
Multi-color Fermi-liquid theory of quantum transport through a multilevel Kondo impurity |
Juraj Hasik |
2019 |
Towards next-generation methods to optimize two-dimensional tensor networks: Algorithmic differentiation and applications to quantum magnets |
Daniele Guerci |
2019 |
- Michele Fabrizio
- Massimo Capone
Beyond simple variational approach for strongly electron systems |
Francesco Ferrari |
2019 |
Static and dynamical properties of frustrated spin models |
Luca Arceci |
2019 |
Dissipation effects in driven quantum many-body systems |
Mariam Rusishvili |
2018 |
- Stefano Baroni
- Alessandra Magistrato
Color optical properties of anthocyanins in solution: a multi-scale computational study |
Simone Notarnicola |
2018 |
- Alessandro Silva
- Rosario Fazio
Coupled quantum kicked rotors: a study about dynamical localization, slow heating and thermalization |
Seher Karakuzu |
2018 |
Variational and auxiliary field Monte Carlo for the Hubbard and Hubbard-Holstein models: an accurate finite-size scaling and a "sign problem" solution |
Francesco Grandi |
2018 |
- Michele Fabrizio
- Adriano Amaricci
Mott insulators in disguise |
Lorenzo Gigli |
2018 |
- Giuseppe Santoro
- Erio Tosatti
Friction and adhesion of graphene nanoribbons on gold: an MD investigation |
Loris Ercole |
2018 |
Ab Initio Simulation of Heat Transport in Silica Glass |
Caterina De Franco |
2018 |
- Federico Becca
- Luca Fausto Tocchio
Magnetism and Superconductivity in the Two-Band Hubbard Model: A Variational Monte Carlo Perspective |
Maja Berovic |
2018 |
Exploring Hund's correlated metals: charge instabilities and effect of selective interactions |
Tommaso Zanca |
2017 |
Landau-Zener processes in out-of-equilibrium quantum physics |
Nguyen Dung Tran |
2017 |
Stability and Reactivity of Supported Single-Atom Catalysts: Insight from Density Functional Theory |
Lorenzo Privitera |
2017 |
Non-equilibrium aspects of topological Floquet quantum systems |
Francesco Petocchi |
2016 |
Competing interactions in correlated heterostructures |
Francesco Peronaci |
2016 |
Transient dynamics of unconventional superconductors: d-wave symmetry and strong correlations |
Tommaso Gorni |
2016 |
Spin-fluctuation spectra in magnetic systems: a novel approach based on TDDFT |
Lorenzo Del Re |
2016 |
Multicomponent strongly correlated fermions in optical lattices |
Nicolo Defenu |
2016 |
- Andrea Trombettoni
- Stefano Ruffo
Applications of Functional Renormalization Group to Spin Systems and Long Range Models |
Michele Ruggeri |
2015 |
Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of two dimensional 3He: low-density gas-liquid coexistence on substrates and iterative backflow wave functions for strongly correlated systems |
Giacomo Mazza |
2015 |
Non-Equilibrium Phenomena in Strongly Correlated Systems |
Anna Maraga |
2015 |
- Alessandro Silva
- Michele Fabrizio
Nonequilibrium dynamics in isolated quantum systems: absence of thermalization and dynamical phase transitions |
Davide Mandelli |
2015 |
Sliding Nanofriction in Low Dimensional Model-Systems |
Cong Huy Pham |
2015 |
Molecular crystal structure prediction with evolutionary algorithm |
Matteo Sandri |
2014 |
The Gutzwiller Approach to out-of-equilibrium correlated fermions |
Angelo Russomanno |
2014 |
Periodic driving of a coherent quantum many body system and relaxation to the Floquet diagonal ensemble |
Guglielmo Mazzola |
2014 |
Metallization and dissociation in high pressure liquid hydrogen by an efficient molecular dynamics with quantum Monte Carlo |
Aris Marcolongo |
2014 |
Theory and ab initio simulation of atomic heat transport |
Ye Luo |
2014 |
Ab initio molecular dynamics of water by quantum Monte Carlo |
Nicola Colonna |
2014 |
Exchange and correlation energy in the adiabatic connection fluctuation-dissipation theory beyond RPA |
Simone Ziraldo |
2013 |
Thermalization and relaxation after a quantum quench in disordered hamiltonians |
Mohammad Zhian Asadzadeh |
2013 |
- Federico Becca
- Michele Fabrizio
Interplay of superconductivity and magnetism in the two dimensional Kondo lattice model |
Hu Wenjun |
2013 |
- Sandro Sorella
- Federico Becca
Unconventional phases in doped or frustrated quantum antiferromagnets: a systematic Quantum Monte Carlo Study |
Sebastiano Saccani |
2013 |
Quantum Monte Carlo studies of soft bosonic systems and minimum energy pathways |
Xiao-Chuan Ge |
2013 |
- Stefano Baroni
- Arrigo Calzolari
Seeing colors with TDDFT: theoretical modeling of the optical properties of natural dyes |
Jiawei Xian |
2012 |
- Stefano Baroni
- Paolo Umari
Electronic properties of gold nanoclusters from GW calculations |
Riccardo Sabatini |
2012 |
Non-local correlation in Density Functional Theory |
Ngoc Linh Nguyen |
2012 |
- Stefano de Gironcoli
- Simone Piccinin
Toward Realistic DFT Description of Complex Systems: Ethylene Epoxidation on Ag-Cu Alloys and RPA Correlation in van der Waals Molecules |
Pier Paolo Baruselli |
2012 |
- Michele Fabrizio
- Erio Tosatti
Kondo conductance anomalies from first principles |
Mauro Iazzi |
2012 |
- Augusto Smerzi
- Stefano Fantoni
Ginzburg-Landau description of superfluid layered fermions |
Changru Ma |
2012 |
- Stefano Fabris
- Simone Piccinin
Modeling Ru-based molecular catalysts for water oxidation |
Hong-Yi Xie |
2012 |
- Michele Fabrizio
- Vladimir Kravtsov
- Markus Muller
Anderson Localization in Disordered Systems with Competing Channels |
Davide Venturelli |
2011 |
- Denis Feinberg
- Rosario Fazio
- Vittorio Giovannetti
- Fabio Taddei
Channel Mixing and Spin Transport in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect |
Pietro Silvi |
2011 |
- Giuseppe Santoro
- Rosario Fazio
- Vittorio Giovannetti
Tensor Networks: a quantum-information perspective on numerical renormalization groups |
Franco Pellegrini |
2011 |
- Erio Tosatti
- Giuseppe Santoro
Quantum Dissipation at the Nanoscale |
Emine Kucukbenli |
2011 |
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Complex Molecular Crystals From First Principles: Case of Cholesterol |
Giuseppe Carleo |
2011 |
- Stefano Baroni
- Federico Becca
- Saverio Moroni
Spectral and dynamical properties of strongly correlated systems |
Giovanni Borghi |
2011 |
- Michele Fabrizio
- Erio Tosatti
Gutzwiller Approximation applied to inhomogeneous lattice models and solid-state systems |
Gabriele Sclauzero |
2010 |
Modeling CO adsorption on Pt and Au monatomic chains and nanocontacts |
Marco Schiró |
2010 |
Non equilibrium dynamics in strongly correlated systems |
Yanier Crespo Hernandez |
2010 |
- Alessandro Laio
- Giuseppe Santoro
- Erio Tosatti
Calculating Thermodynamic Properties of Classical and Quantum Systems by a Metadynamics Monte Carlo Procedure |
Juan Felipe Carrasquilla Alvarez |
2010 |
- Federico Becca
- Michele Fabrizio
The Bose-Hubbard model with disorder in low-dimensional lattices |
Tatiana Skrbic |
2009 |
- Saverio Moroni
- Stefano Baroni
Dynamics of doped [4]He and [3]He clusters from reptation quantum Monte Carlo |
Lorenzo Paulatto |
2009 |
Ammonia Synthesis on Proton-enriched Palladium Substrate |
Nicola Lanata |
2009 |
The Gutzwiller variational approach to correlated systems |
Tommaso Caneva |
2009 |
- Giuseppe Santoro
- Rosario Fazio
Adiabatic dynamics of many-body systems close to a quantum critical point |
Luca Fausto Tocchio |
2008 |
- Sandro Sorella
- Federico Becca
A new variational wave function with backflow correlations for frustrated Hubbard models |
Maria Elisabetta Pezzoli |
2008 |
- Michele Fabrizio
- Federico Becca
Disorder and interaction: ground state properties of the disordered Hubbard model |
Huy-Viet Nguyen |
2008 |
Efficient calculation of RPA correlation energy in the adiabatic connection fluctuation-dissipation theory |
Antonio Suriano |
2007 |
Quantum mechanical modeling of the chemical reactivity of metal surfaces: two case studies involving water formation and dissociation |
Dario Rocca |
2007 |
- Stefano Baroni
- Ralph Gebauer
Time-Dependent Density Functional Perturbation Theory New algorithms with applications to molecular spectra |
Adriano Mosca Conte |
2007 |
- Stefano Baroni
- Stefano Fabris
Quantum mechanical modeling of nano magnetism: new tools based on Density-Functional theory with case applications to solids, surfaces, wires, and molecules |
Javier Antonio Montoya |
2007 |
- Sandro Scandolo
- Roger Rousseau
Ab-initio study on synthesis of new materials at high pressure : transition-metal nitrides and non-molecular CO2 phases |
Massimo Lugas |
2007 |
- Sandro Sorella
- Federico Becca
d-wave Superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in strongly correlated systems by a new variational approach |
Yungfeng Liang |
2007 |
Modelling structure, phase transition, and vibrational spectroscopy of silica at extreme conditions |
Sandra Patricia Gonzalez Camelo |
2007 |
BCS superfluid Fermi systems with large scattering lenght |
Paola Gava |
2007 |
- Stefano de Gironcoli
- Anton Kokalj
Modeling the catalyst selectivity in the ethylene epoxidation reaction A first principles study |
Stefano Paolini |
2006 |
- Stefano Baroni
- Saverio Moroni
Rotational dynamics of molecular impurities of solvated 4He clusters: a computational study based on reptation quantum Monte Carlo |
Michel Ferrero |
2006 |
- Michele Fabrizio
- Federico Becca
Competing Mechanism in Strongly Correlated Systems Close to a Mott Insulator |
Manuela Capello |
2006 |
- Sandro Sorella
- Michele Fabrizio
- Federico Becca
Variational description of Mott insulators |
Tania Zykova |
2005 |
High temperature physics and nanofriction properties of alkali halide surfaces |
Lorenzo Stella |
2005 |
- Giuseppe Santoro
- Erio Tosatti
Studies of Classical and Quantum Annealing |
Carlo Sbraccia |
2005 |
- Stefano Baroni
- Pier Luigi Silvestrelli
Computer Simulation of Thermally Activated Processes: Theory, Algorithms, and a Few Case Applications to Surface Chemistry |
Guido Fratesi |
2005 |
Low temperature methane-to-methanol conversion on transition metal surfaces |
Michele Casula |
2005 |
New QMC approaches for the simulation of electronic systems: a first application to aromatic molecules and transition metal compounds |
Demian Battaglia |
2005 |
- Giuseppe Santoro
- Riccardo Zecchina
Survey Propagation Methods For Efficient Optimization and Probing of Glassy States |
Claudio Attaccalite |
2005 |
RVB phase of hydrogen at high pressure: towards the first ab-initio Molecular Dynamics by Quantum Monte Carlo |
Lorenzo De Leo |
2004 |
Non-Fermi liquid behavior in multi-orbital Anderson impurity models and possible relevance for strongly correlated lattice models |
Evgenij Plekhanov |
2003 |
- Michele Fabrizio
- Sandro Sorella
Hubbard U enhanced superconductivity |
Giuliano Orso |
2003 |
- Pieralberto Marchetti
- Lu Yu
Spin-charge gauge approach to HTS cuprates: theory versus experiments |
Paola Mosconi |
2003 |
Ghost models in two-dimensional condensed matter physics |
Oleg Chalaev |
2003 |
Nonequilibrium persistent current in mesoscopic disordered systems |
Mahdi Zarea Ahmadabadi |
2003 |
- Alexander A. Nersesyan
- Michele Fabrizio
Role of frustration in quantum spin chains and ladders: a field theory approach |
Paul Tangney |
2002 |
Improving molecular-dynamics simulations of simple ionic systems |
Luca Dell'Anna |
2002 |
- Michele Fabrizio
- Claudi Castellani
Disordered d-wave superconductors: the role of nesting and interactions in transport properties |
Matteo Cococcioni |
2002 |
A LDA+U study of selected iron compounds |
Davide Ceresoli |
2002 |
Berry Phase Calculation of the Rotational and Pseudorotational g-factor in Molecules and Solids |
Andrea Trombettoni |
2001 |
- Stefano Fantoni
- Augusto Smerzi
Discrete Nonlinear Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates |
Geraldo Ballabio |
2001 |
- Erio Tosatti
- Sandro Scandolo
- Stefano de Gironcoli
Some Theoretical Surprises on a Germanium Surface |
Gabriele Cipriani |
2000 |
- Andrea Dal Corso
- Stefano de Gironcoli
- Stefano Baroni
Ab-initio study of oxygen adsorption on selected transition metal surfaces |
Luca Capriotti |
2000 |
Quantum effects and broken symmetry in frustrated antiferromagnets |
Massimo Capone |
2000 |
- Michele Fabrizio
- Erio Tosatti
The Mott Transition: Role of Frustration and Orbital Degeneracy |
Federico Becca |
2000 |
Electronic properties driven by strong correlation |
Michele Lazzeri |
1999 |
A first principles study of the thermal expansion in some metallic surfaces |
Alessandro Laio |
1999 |
- Guido Chiarotti
- Sandro Scandolo
- Erio Tosatti
Simulation of Iron at Earth's Core Conditions |
Lorenzo De Santis |
1999 |
- Raffaele Resta
- Paolo Carloni
Theory of electron localization function and its applications: Surfaces, impurities, and enzymatic catalysis |
Matteo Calandra |
1999 |
Superconductivity from strong electron correlation |
Daniele Passerone |
1998 |
- Erio Tosatti
- Furio Ercolessi
- Guido Chiarotti
Structural Order and Thermal Disorder at the Surface of Selected Crystals: Theory and Simulations |
Stefano Giovanazzi |
1998 |
- Stefano Fantoni
- Augusto Smerzi
Macroscopic Quantum Coherence Phenomena in Bose-Einstein Condensates |
Cecilia Clementi |
1998 |
Effective potentials for protein folding models |
Carlo Cavazzoni |
1998 |
- Guido Chiarotti
- Sandro Scandolo
Large Scale First-Principles Simulations of Water and Ammonia at High Pressure and Temperature |
Claudio Tebaldi |
1997 |
- Attilio L. Stella
- Amos Maritan
Rare events dominance in non equilibrium critical phenomena: selected examples |
Antonino Marco Saitta |
1997 |
- Stefano de Gironcoli
- Stefano Baroni
Theoretical study of the structural, thermodynamic, and electronic properties of a quaternary semiconductor alloy: (Zn, Mg)(S,Se) |
Alice Ruini |
1997 |
- Raffaele Resta
- Stefano Baroni
Dynamical Charges at Surfaces and Interfaces: their Role in the Schottky Barrier Problem |
Orion Ciftja |
1997 |
Variational Study of two Strongly Correlated Fermi Systems: Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Atomic He3 at Zero Temperature |
Dario Alfe |
1997 |
First Principles Study of Two Rhodium Surfaces upon Carbon-Monoxide and Oxygen Adsorption |
Michele Vendruscolo |
1996 |
Folding, stability and design of proteins |
Zhong-Yi Lu |
1996 |
- Guido Chiarotti
- Sandro Scandolo
- Erio Tosatti
First Principles Study of Alpha-Sn Surfaces |
Franjo Franjic |
1996 |
A Variational Approach to Strongly Correlated Systems |
Alessandro Flammini |
1996 |
Scaling behavior for models of river network |
Paolo De Los Rios |
1996 |
Strongly disordered systems from polymer statistics to phase transitions |
Francesca Colaiori |
1996 |
River networks dynamics, branching patterns and aggregation phenomena |
Guido Caldarelli |
1996 |
- Amos Maritan
- Attilio L. Stella
From Self Organized Criticality to Patterns Formation. Theoretical Aspects, Occurence in Nature |
Lucian Anton |
1996 |
Diffusion approach to non-equilibrium extremal dynamics |
Nicola Manini |
1995 |
Electron-Vibron Coupling in Charged Fullerene, Berry Phase and Superconductivity |
Francesco D. Di Tolla |
1995 |
- Furio Ercolessi
- Erio Tosatti
Interplay of Melting, Wetting, Overheating and Faceting on Metal Surface: Theory and Simulations |
Alberto Debernardi |
1995 |
Anharmonic Properties of Semiconductors from Density Functional Perturbation Theory |
Claudia Bungaro |
1995 |
- Stefano Baroni
- Stefano de Gironcoli
Dynamical Properties of Clean and H-covered W(110) Surfaces |
Marco Airoldi |
1995 |
- Michele Fabrizio
- Giuseppe Santoro
- Alberto Parola
- Erio Tosatti
Selected Problems in Strongly Correlated Electronic Models |
Qingfeng Zhong |
1994 |
Numerical study of strongly correlated electron systems |
Francesco Pederiva |
1994 |
- Stefano Fantoni
- Luciano Reatto
Quantum theory of non-homogeneous phases of Helium |
Francesco Mauri |
1994 |
New developments in quantum molecular dynamics: excited state dynamics and large scale simulations |
Matteo Marsili |
1994 |
From interface growth to dynamics in disordered media and self organized criticality |
Paolo Focher |
1994 |
- Michele Parrinello
- Guido Chiarotti
First-principle studies of structural phase transformations |
Roman Martonak |
1993 |
Models of quantum paraelectric behaviour of Perovskites |
Guido Goldoni |
1993 |
Properties of spin-orbit coupled bands in semiconductors heterostructures |
Alberto Franceschetti |
1993 |
Density-functional theory without orbitals: a path towards very large scale electronic structure calculations |
Michela Di Stasio |
1993 |
- Giuseppe Morandi
- Arturo Tagliacozzo
From quantum Spins to correlated fermions: a new strong coupling method |
Andrea Dal Corso |
1993 |
- Raffaele Resta
- Stefano Baroni
Density Functional Theory beyond the Pseudopotential Local Density Approach: a Few Cases Studies |
Marco Buongiorno Nardelli |
1993 |
Phonon softening and high-pressure low-simmetry phases of cesium halides from first-principles techniques |
Marco Bernasconi |
1993 |
- Erio Tosatti
- Guido Chiarotti
Ab initio calculation of structural and electronic properties of α-Ga surfaces |
Xiaoqun Wang |
1992 |
- Stefano Fantoni
- Erio Tosatti
- Yu Lu
Variational studies on the Hubbard model within the FHNC theory |
Pier Luigi Silvestrelli |
1992 |
- Stefano Baroni
- Roberto Car
Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo for systems with repulsive Coulomb interaction |
Giorgio Mazzeo |
1992 |
- Giancarlo Jug
- Erio Tosatti
Interplay between surface in-plane ordering and roughening |
Jose' Lorenzana |
1992 |
Doping states in cuprate oxide superconductors |
Andrea Ferrante |
1992 |
- Stefano Fantoni
- Mario P. Tosi
Auxiliary variables in classical and quantum liquids |
Michele Fabrizio |
1992 |
- Erio Tosatti
- Alberto Parola
New results for interacting Fermi systems: the 2D Hubbard model at low density and the two coupled chain problem |
Pasquale Pavone |
1991 |
Lattice Dynamics of Semiconductors from Density-Functional Perturbation Theory |
Miklos Gulacsi |
1991 |
Study and solution of the five-vertex model |
Ivan Stich |
1990 |
- Roberto Car
- Michele Parrinello
First principles molecular dynamics study of liquid and amorphous silicon |
Enrico Smargiassi |
1990 |
Lattice vacancies and diffusion processes in crystalline silicon: a first-principles molecular dynamics study |
Xiaojie Chen |
1990 |
- Andrea C. Levi
- Erio Tosatti
New theoretical results and simulations of surface melting |
Zeenet Badirkhan |
1990 |
Density functional theory of freezing: some applications |
Qiming Zhang |
1989 |
- Annabella Selloni
- Roberto Car
- Michele Parrinello
First-principle molecular dynamics simulations of disordered GaAs |
Linfang Xu |
1989 |
- Annabella Selloni
- Michele Parrinello
Quantum molecular dynamics study of dilute Na-NaBr liquid solutions |
Xiaoqian Wang |
1989 |
- Erio Tosatti
- Stefano Fantoni
Correlated basis function method for fermions on a lattice: applications to the Hubbard model |
Li Wang |
1989 |
Concentration fluctuations in liquid metal alloys |
Sandro Sorella |
1989 |
- Michele Parrinello
- Stefano Baroni
- Roberto Car
- Erio Tosatti
A Novel Technique for the Simulation of Interacting Fermion Systems |
Maria Peressi |
1989 |
- Alfonso Baldereschi
- Stefano Baroni
Energy-Band Discontinuities at Lattice-Matched Semiconductor Heterojunctions |
Francesco Buda |
1989 |
- Roberto Car
- Michele Parrinello
Hydrogen in silicon: a first principles molecular dynamics study |
Anna Bartolini |
1988 |
- Erio Tosatti
- Furio Ercolessi
Low-index surfaces reconstruction and its influence on vicinal surfaces: the case of AU (100) and AU (111) |
Francesco Ancilotto |
1988 |
- Annalisa Fasolino
- Annabella Selloni
- Erio Tosatti
Theoretical investigations of optical absorption and of tunneling behaviour of heterostructures in strong magnetic fields |
Cai-zhuang Wang |
1987 |
- Erio Tosatti
- Michele Parrinello
A molecular dynamics study of the displacive surface reconstruction phase transitions |
Abdallah Qteish |
1987 |
Ab-initio study of Si-Ge alloys and ultra-thin superlattices |
Furio Ercolessi |
1987 |
- Erio Tosatti
- Michele Parinello
Molecular dynamics studies of gold: bulk, defects, surfaces and clusters |
Giulia Galli |
1986 |
On the structure and bonding of neutral and ionized molecules |
Giorgio Pastore |
1985 |
Theory of the structure of charged liquids and some applications |
Sandro Massidda |
1985 |
Electronic properties of the compound with AlB2 structure. Self-consistent LAPW study of BeB2, AlB2, CaGa2, and TiB2 |
Andrzej Fleszar |
1985 |
Dielectric response in semiconductors: theory and applications |
Jerzy Glazer |
1984 |
Theory of spin effects in electron-electron scattering in metals |
Bruno D'Aguanno |
1984 |
Freezing of ionic liquids in correlation to hot solid structure |
Chun-Da Chen |
1984 |
Topics in the theory of two-dimensional electron systems |
Eduardo Roman |
1983 |
A study of physical properties of ionic systems |
Chuan Hong Chen |
1983 |
Polymorphic transitions in alkali halides |