Alumni of the Condensed Matter Theory Curriculum

Name Year Supervisors Thesis
Manuela Capello 2006
  • Sandro Sorella
  • Michele Fabrizio
  • Federico Becca
Variational description of Mott insulators
Tania Zykova 2005
  • Erio Tosatti
High temperature physics and nanofriction properties of alkali halide surfaces
Lorenzo Stella 2005
  • Giuseppe Santoro
  • Erio Tosatti
Studies of Classical and Quantum Annealing
Carlo Sbraccia 2005
  • Stefano Baroni
  • Pier Luigi Silvestrelli
Computer Simulation of Thermally Activated Processes: Theory, Algorithms, and a Few Case Applications to Surface Chemistry
Guido Fratesi 2005
  • Stefano de Gironcoli
Low temperature methane-to-methanol conversion on transition metal surfaces
Michele Casula 2005
  • Sandro Sorella
New QMC approaches for the simulation of electronic systems: a first application to aromatic molecules and transition metal compounds
Demian Battaglia 2005
  • Giuseppe Santoro
  • Riccardo Zecchina
Survey Propagation Methods For Efficient Optimization and Probing of Glassy States
Claudio Attaccalite 2005
  • Sandro Sorella
RVB phase of hydrogen at high pressure: towards the first ab-initio Molecular Dynamics by Quantum Monte Carlo
Lorenzo De Leo 2004
  • Michele Fabrizio
Non-Fermi liquid behavior in multi-orbital Anderson impurity models and possible relevance for strongly correlated lattice models
Evgenij Plekhanov 2003
  • Michele Fabrizio
  • Sandro Sorella
Hubbard U enhanced superconductivity
Giuliano Orso 2003
  • Pieralberto Marchetti
  • Lu Yu
Spin-charge gauge approach to HTS cuprates: theory versus experiments
Paola Mosconi 2003
  • Giuseppe Mussardo
Ghost models in two-dimensional condensed matter physics
Oleg Chalaev 2003
  • Vladimir Kravtsov
Nonequilibrium persistent current in mesoscopic disordered systems
Mahdi Zarea Ahmadabadi 2003
  • Alexander A. Nersesyan
  • Michele Fabrizio
Role of frustration in quantum spin chains and ladders: a field theory approach
Paul Tangney 2002
  • Sandro Scandolo
Improving molecular-dynamics simulations of simple ionic systems
Luca Dell'Anna 2002
  • Michele Fabrizio
  • Claudi Castellani
Disordered d-wave superconductors: the role of nesting and interactions in transport properties
Matteo Cococcioni 2002
  • Stefano de Gironcoli
A LDA+U study of selected iron compounds
Davide Ceresoli 2002
  • Erio Tosatti
Berry Phase Calculation of the Rotational and Pseudorotational g-factor in Molecules and Solids
Andrea Trombettoni 2001
  • Stefano Fantoni
  • Augusto Smerzi
Discrete Nonlinear Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates
Geraldo Ballabio 2001
  • Erio Tosatti
  • Sandro Scandolo
  • Stefano de Gironcoli
Some Theoretical Surprises on a Germanium Surface
Gabriele Cipriani 2000
  • Andrea Dal Corso
  • Stefano de Gironcoli
  • Stefano Baroni
Ab-initio study of oxygen adsorption on selected transition metal surfaces
Luca Capriotti 2000
  • Sandro Sorella
Quantum effects and broken symmetry in frustrated antiferromagnets
Massimo Capone 2000
  • Michele Fabrizio
  • Erio Tosatti
The Mott Transition: Role of Frustration and Orbital Degeneracy
Federico Becca 2000
  • Sandro Sorella
Electronic properties driven by strong correlation
Michele Lazzeri 1999
  • Stefano de Gironcoli
A first principles study of the thermal expansion in some metallic surfaces
Alessandro Laio 1999
  • Guido Chiarotti
  • Sandro Scandolo
  • Erio Tosatti
Simulation of Iron at Earth's Core Conditions
Lorenzo De Santis 1999
  • Raffaele Resta
  • Paolo Carloni
Theory of electron localization function and its applications: Surfaces, impurities, and enzymatic catalysis
Matteo Calandra 1999
  • Sandro Sorella
Superconductivity from strong electron correlation
Daniele Passerone 1998
  • Erio Tosatti
  • Furio Ercolessi
  • Guido Chiarotti
Structural Order and Thermal Disorder at the Surface of Selected Crystals: Theory and Simulations
Stefano Giovanazzi 1998
  • Stefano Fantoni
  • Augusto Smerzi
Macroscopic Quantum Coherence Phenomena in Bose-Einstein Condensates