High-performance computing for materials simulations
Hands-on Course given by Antimo Marrazzo, Pietro Delugas
Start Date
End Date
131/003 (check CM calendar)
Tue: 14:00-16:00
Wed: 14:00-16:00


Tentative program:

  1. Basic theory of high-performance computing
  • Introduction to high-performance computing
  • Parallel computing
  • MPI and OpenMP paradigms
  • GPU-based computing
  • Strong/weak scaling, Amdahl’s and Gustafson’s laws,  
  • Throughput and latency parallelism
  • FFT and linear algebra: scaling and parallel implementation

2. Parallel programming tutorial 

  • “For loop” example in MPI, OpenMP, openACC
  • Parallel matrix multiplication, distributed Jacobi solver

3. Tutorial with parallel and GPU Quantum ESPRESSO

  • Efficient and optimized usage of multiple levels of parallelism
  • Band-structure and molecular-dynamics simulations of large and small systems on Tier-0 supercomputers
  • GPU oversubscription with multi-process service (MPS) for Nvidia cards

4. Introduction to materials informatics

5. Tutorial with AiiDA-Quantum ESPRESSO

  • Introduction to AiiDA
  • Automated band-structure and phonon calculations with AiiDA-Quantum ESPRESSO

6. Hands-on projects with assistance and supervision