Quantum Many Body Systems and Strongly Correlated Electrons I
Basic Course given by Massimo Capone
Start Date
End Date
Mon: 11:00-13:00
Wed: 9:00-11:00


Updated for Academic Year 2024-2025

This is the  first half of the basic many-body course. The second half is held by Michele Fabrizio right after the end of these lectures.

The basic course introduces some of the main standard tools to study many-particles systems in the concrete case of the Hubbard model and for the study of superconductivity and magnetism. 

The course has also a follow-up -- after the second part of the basic course-- which enters in the more advanced aspects of  the theory of strongly correlated electron system and its relation with high-Tc superconductivity and more recent discoveries.

Here follows the  list of lectures. The last two lectures are "bonus" lectures whose topic and schedule can be arranged during the course

2/10/2024A brief reminder of second quantization
7/10/2024The Hubbard model. Derivation and simple limits
9/10/2024Weak and strong coupling limits of the Hubbard model


(out of schedule)

Strong-coupling expansion and the tJ model
14/10/2024Spin-waves for the Heisenberg model
16/10/2024Linear-Response Theory
04/11/2024Hartree-Fock approximation
06/11/2024Finite-temperature Hartree-Fock method
11/11/2024A nice and useful trick: mapping repulsive and attractive Hubbard models
13/11/2024Superconductivity. BCS theory as a mean-field
18/11/2023The phase diagram of the Hubbard model from simple methods I
20/11/2023 The phase diagram of the Hubbard model from simple methods II
TBD Bonus lecture 1
TBD  Bonus lecture 2